Sai Varshith

Software Engineer @ Honeywell

I build scalable, reliable and user-friendly applications


Software Engineer @ Honeywell

Since July 2022

  • Member of Edge-Cloud Services team, responsible for optimizing and maintaining customer to cloud data flow for Honeywell Industrial and Warehouse IoT SaaS offerings
    • Designed and developed full-stack web app (React, Redux, NodeJS,DotNet Core) for monitoring, alerting and troubleshooting globally distributed Honeywell Forge IoT devices
    • Reduced MTTR from hours to minutes using automation scripts and increased error budget savings
    • Built terraform CI/CD pipelines for automating cloud Infrastructure management
    • Migrated 50+ workloads from OpenShift to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with zero downtime
    • Improved observability with Grafana dashboards using Prometheus, Postgres and Azure resources
    • Responsible for incident response, triage, resolution, root cause analysis and corrective actions
    • Managed releases and deployments for Honeywell Forge and Niagara Cloud offerings
  • ReactNodeJSDotNetPostgresAzureKubernetesGrafana

    Software Engineering Intern @ Honeywell

    May 2021 - July 2021

  • Member of engineering team for internal end-to-end testing platform
    • Implemented RBAC using Azure AD for Honeywell’s internal application testing platform
    • Designed and implemented an interactive Microsoft Teams chatbot to quickly run end-to-end tests
    • Improved workflows to notify (email and Teams) on test progress and test results
    • Triaged and fixed various frontend/backend defects to improve performance and user experience
  • ReactDjangoPostgresCeleryNodeJSAzure





    ReactSpring BootNodeJSReduxFastAPIDotNet Core




    Coming Soon...


    Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

    2017 - 2022

    Master's and Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Published research on Linux Access Control at ACM and IEEE